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Dufour 530 Easy Version

Cabins: 5

Toilets: 4

Italian flag

When the legendary Dufour Performance and Grand Large ranges come together as one. The ultimate merger of two worlds has created a sailboat with incomparable characteristics.The Dufour 530 is a vibrant reflection of our extensive know- how. Developed on the architectural premise of the Performance range, its authentic racer hull has been designed with exhilaration in mind. Comfort is key when cruising so we have combined the main Grand Large features with an open, secure, fully equipped deck.And to top it off, breathtaking innovations too. Three completely distinct manoeuvring layouts, a cockpit with all-new features, a revolutionary bimini concept and beautiful aesthetics.

A spacious, elegant sailboat finished down to the last detail. The ultimate distinction.

Technical features








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info@avelecazzate.com - cell +39 335466444 - cell +30 6938735585

Periodo A
dal 13/7/24 al 24/8/24
Periodo B
dal 15/6/24 al 13/7/24
e dal 24/8/24 al 21/9/24
Periodo C
dal 18/5/24 al 15/6/24
e dal 21/9/24 al 5/10/24
Periodo D
dal 1/1/24 al 18/5/24
e dal 5/10/24 al 31/12/24
7.050 6.250 5.250 4.150

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