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Dufour 360 Grand Large 2022

Cabins: 2

Toilets: 1

Italian flag

Zion our new Dufour 360 Grand Large allows a family of four or two couples of friends to enjoy a comfortable holiday, it has a fast and stable hull at any speed, a super-equipped driving position and an immense and safe cockpit, because delimited by the rear seats. Inside the Dufour 360 is very spacious. In the two-cabin version, the double bench will allow you to comfortably accommodate up to 6 guests at the table. Two comfortable cabins with a spacious bathroom and a particularly large dinet. It has an external locker where you will find everything you need for your maneuvers during the cruise, including two 50M ropes, one of which is floating for moorings in the harbor and a second one also with a 50M rope. Equipped with 80M of chain, tender with rigid keel. Inside you will find everything you need for the kitchen, as well as sheets and towels for the cabins. Available at our base in Lefkas, Ionian Greece from April to October.

Technical features










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Voglio essere aggiornato sulle vostre iniziative
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info@avelecazzate.com - cell +39 335466444 - cell +30 6938735585

Periodo A
dal 12/7/25 al 23/8/25
Periodo B
dal 14/6/25 al 12/7/25
e dal 23/8/25 al 20/9/25
Periodo C
dal 17/5/25 al 14/6/25
e dal 20/9/25 al 4/10/25
Periodo D
dal 1/1/25 al 17/5/25
e dal 4/10/25 al 31/12/25
2.700 2.500 2.100 1.700

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